Thursday, July 21, 2011

Perry for President?!?!

Perry for President!?!? For some, the thought strikes happiness. For others, outrage and sense of fear. In the Burnt Orange Report, Katherine Haenschen wrote a piece entitled, Base Rhetoric: Rick Perry Sure Sounds Like He’s Running for President. In this blog, Haenschen argues that the present governor of Texas, Rick Perry, appears to be running for president by following some of the same pathways that former President George W. Bush took on his way to the White House.

Haenschen gives several pieces of evidence that suggest Perry is making a run for the Presidency. She highlights Perry’s recent visits to many important figures in the GOP, including donors, activists, and party leaders. Haenschen claims Perry is “courting the religious right” by publicly acknowledging a need for help from God in Texas’ political affairs and speaking out against abortion. She also writes that Perry has strengthened his stance on immigration, perhaps at the cost of supporting big business. These were also steps taken by George W. Bush once he decided to run for President.

 Perry’s most recent action, stirring a response on both the right and the left, is his hosting of a prayer rally at Reliant Stadium, a facility which seats 71,500. The event offers the opportunity for churches and homes to watch and host viewing parties. Perry likely feels that this wonderful way to win the religious Republican vote, but many on the left are crying out against the event as a clear violation of separation of church and state.

I agree with Haenschen’s claim that Rick Perry is laying out a pathway for a presidential campaign. It is logical to assume that Perry’s behavior as of late suggests an interest in national politics. Haenschen is not the only person in the media who has pegged Perry’s recent actions as signs of making a Presidential bid. Haenschen seems to be writing to all Texans, but directing her article towards Democrats and anyone who does not agree with Perry’s stances and thoughts. Unfortunatley, Haenschen’s credibility does not stand at the highest level, but she does seem to be a very credible source of information. For the most part, she seems to be playing off of other media reports on the issue. 

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